
Why And How We Work And Who We Are

Red and Black Clydeside are a small band of activists with plenty of on-the-ground experience. We mostly work on supporting campaigns, community, workers, asylum, racism, anti war, anti imperialism and most of the other contortions meted out onto ordinary people. Along with the Keelie our monthly wee paper.

There is a strong element within the group of the archiving of radical history throughout the city, in the form of the “Spirit of Revolt Archive” We also help out in producing banners, leaflets and props, for groups. We hold regular meetings, talks, performance, films and run a yearly bookfair and a May Day celebration each year on the Glasgow Green.

The Keelie
The Keelie comes out roughly each month. We sometimes do special editions for events and with our comrades in Paisley. We distribute the paper on the street, at workers strike action, at demos, and from our street stall. We also encourage musicians, poets and performers to join us when we set up in the street
The Emporium is about reaching out and doing what we can in creating solidarity amongst groups of people who would appear to be looking for the same things. If thats your bag. We have a mutual benefit to connecting in some way. Lets look at how.

Here is some of the practical help we will need in getting the Emporium of Radical Ideas out to working class communities. Remember the wages might be zero but the laughs are good.

    • Transporting the Emporium from A to B and back. A car or small van can do this. (We want to create a wee car pool for folk who would be up for doing this occasionally
    • Helping to put the Emporium up and down at places. At events, helping out, chatting to folk and gathering email details for update list. Designing and distribution of fliers and collecting content for Emporium. Helping to developing workshops, meetings on relevant Emporium topics.
    • Help with video and audio recording. Helping out with social media and tech for website (Word Press) Helping with drama workshops and musical performance.
    • Making and fixing stuff at container workshop. (We also have a second rickshaw we want to get fixed up and on the road as a community bike)
    • Making cups of tea and helping with food when needed. Or just being around for general help. There is always something needing done. The process being to involve people who want to learn as well as what they can do..

We welcome ideas and work to support others in challenging capitalism with our own alternative ideas