About Keelie

First published in 1990 Glasgow Year Of Culture

The original editions of the Keelie were first published in the 1990s around the same issues we are even more concerned about today. Many of the contributors from then are still involved in the last fifty two issues of the new Keelie we have produced so far.

So this new edition there is plenty of scope for inclusion in creating content, website work, video and distribution and a wealth of knowledge and experiences within the group we are happy to share with folk.


The Keelie is affiliated to no political organisation. We work on a mutual aid basis of sharing knowledge and information aimed at those who will find it most useful.

We have no funding and are self supporting

We will write in plain English that most people can understand with links to further reading on the subject at hand on our website and through on-line links.

We have regular editorial meetings and encourage ideas, stories for inclusion of a grassroots nature and that will help to explain and encourage folk to join the struggle towards a decent life for ordinary people.

We use the community rickshaw and sound system for events, street work and distribution and have a fully functioning video and audio facility, something we are keen to develop.

We are open to collaborations and multi Disciplinary projects that advance place based learning.

The put down description of a Glasgow Keelie is a bothersome troublemaker. We wear that badge, but are careful to be bothersome and trouble making for the right reasons and towards those targets that create the most misery.

The Keelie comes out once a month. We have been and are planning to be on the street with stalls and distributing at various events and venues around the city. Pop down say hello, have a chat, tell us about campaigns, groups or what you are thinking. Or use our contact page or Facebook.

The Kellie is as much about connecting with people as it is about its content. Information can be had from many places but much of this information is nuanced, can be bias, complex and overwhelming to different people.

We don’t just give out the paper, we talk to people, try to help them understand the issues. We try to make the contact memorable, enjoyable and within the context of folks interests.

We believe the street is a learning space particularly around talking to and listening to folk who are not being reached. A reinterpretation of the village square.

We are keen to encourage more people to get involved in creating content, distribution, and all else in between. Particularly young people in connecting with past struggles and the historical context of what is happening around us today.


Get involved in the cities growing radical news outlet. We need helpers people who just like getting in and doing stuff. There are no special skills required most of our work is in distribution.


We are keen to share technical and local journalism skills of what we know. We need writers, photographers, videographers, interviewers, video editing, social media, design and imagination We have equipment and are hoping at some point to offer some teaching in news gathering and related skills.

If you just like lugging things around and having some fun we do that to.