About the Emporium


Created out of the frustration in this day and age of information technology. Why is there such a lack of communication between activities, projects, groups, campaigns that are traveling in much the same direction?

Why is the wheel being reinvented in so many places when solidarity is the answer to many of the practical problems as well as finding collabourations for taking a movement forward.

Part of the first problem Is about painting ourselves into the picture. Asking ourselves, where is our place in the movement? What are the critical connections in what we do as groups, or individuals, that can help us build a collective vision of the bigger picture.

The bigger picture could be. How do we build the solidarity and strategy, powerful enough to take on institutional change? That is the change needed in order to control the banks, governments, corporations, who either control or destroy, at will, any social gains that we make.
We need to stop thinking about the government and disengage from the process of technological feudalism for a bit and start thinking for ourselves. The biggest fear of elite institutions, are self determined communities. The Emporium Of Radical Ideas wants to help build them.


Imagine the emporium is a marketplace of ideas. Ideas we can share, swap, start, or join. Explore things we might have in common with each other. Or ideas we might not even have heard about And importantly, things we ourselves are doing that we might want to add to the mix.


To set up a listening post for people news, views and opinions, that will travel round the city. Invite groups to co-host and explain their work. Celebrate our city. Invite Musicians, drama, poetry, art, workshops and have some fun at the same time.


What we would hope to achieve is a collection of groups, events, campaigns. What people like yourself have worked on together to produce. And bring them under the banner of a kind of collective citizenship. For how we can help build solidarity in the things we can do for ourselves and for each other.


By placing some of these things side by side, we can start to get an idea of how we can shape our municipality. That is putting in place the things we need to live together in our city, villages and towns. The generalisation is: If we do not take on this work, someone else will, and we probably won’t like what they do.


A simple formula. “You do what you can.” You find and join an organization, group, campaign that you feel you could be of use to, or whose issues being dealt with are of concern to you. Basically how we can help each other to find a useful and productive place in the movement for change.


The first gig for the Emporium of Radical Ideas will be at GalGael’s Strange Broth event. 25-27 April 2025



The basic idea of the Emporium is about helping to open up discussion, particularly in working class communities, of issues and information that may be of use and concern to people. To let people know what is happening in the city. Not just around problems but to highlight also the inspiring work that goes on around us. We also hope to help create evens, activities and talks, that will feature local talent.

We will encourage different groups and individuals to co-host the Emporium. For instance: Setting up an event in one of the city schemes with “Get Glasgow Moving” and do a day event on the importance of the need for regulated and free buses with people who might need them most. Maybe another with “Living Rent” on rent controls and building unions. And so on.

So the idea is not to set up another project, another website, another form of distraction to add to the many important projects out there.

We will endeavour not to make more work for already busy people, but rather try to make use of the work people have already done to help build productive collabourations with others that will justify their input to the Emporium.


This is a new project. We are starting to take up bookings and are looking for folk with any time available for:
Building a social media platform and knowledge of Word Press backend.
Transport and help with setting up the Emporium.
But anybody keen to help out in any way they can are welcome. 

We use the community rickshaw and sound system for events, street work and distribution and have a fully functioning video and audio facility, something we are keen to develop.

The Emporium is part of the work of “The Glasgow Keelie” and “Red And Black Clydeside.” Groups that have no affiliation to any political party and are in reception of no funding. Our driving force is formulating ideas that will help to engender solidarity towards building a decent life for ordinary people.